White Paper

Manage Uncertainty – Will the New Hire Finally Join?

Manage uncertainty - Will The New Hire Finally Join?

Is it possible that after working for months interviewing and selecting the perfect candidate that the candidate might not show up on their first day of work? Could there be anything more frustrating?

Unfortunately, it is becoming a trend for New Hires to become no-shows on their first day of job or walk away from an offer that they have already accepted. Reason being economy is under reinvention and desirable candidates are continuously getting better offers even after accepting one. There is also an “Ethics shift” in the trend, fewer candidates now feel any sense of guilt about not showing up on the first day of the job without bothering to call or notify in any way. Now the only option out of it is instituting a Pre-Onboarding process and takes the right proactive actions to minimize the number of no-shows.

In this white paper – You can learn about Pre-Onboarding & how Pre-Onboarding can minimize no-show rates and much more.

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